the villa

A typical Cascina that was originally built in 1890.
It still has the original roof decorations and part of the original furniture. By staying there you are going to be connected the past and the history of the area.

“The Host and the Area”

Originally bought my grand father in early's 30's it has always been musieun for family memories and holidays time. By it's tactical position wich is on a hill and in the heart of Monneferrato you would be able to quickly access the most beautiful and typical places around.
Andrea Naccari

The rooms

The Villa has 3 floors, and 3 large dounle rooms with 8 beds in total, 3 double and two singles 

The gardens

The villa has 2 separetes gardens as you can see in the pictures. the main and larger one is full of fruits trees, where you can feel free to pick any you want and taste what’s going in the garden

the views

Just the most typical monferrato views.
You would have the chance to see every day the typical orangy sunsets of the area. On clear days you would be able to see the alpine chain with its majestic Monterosa.

Try the local cuisine

The best way to know Monferrato is to try the local cuisine and local wine.
The host will provide you with the latest information about local Osterias and Cantinas

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